Monday, September 8, 2008

3 words, 8 letters.

This semester's lecturers are totally killing me. They absolutely know how to drown all the fun there is in uni (okay at least i assume there's a little more fun to uni life.). Pfft. To have lectuers that treat you as though you're still in primary school is plain disgusting and annoying. I mean seriously, who likes being treated as though you're only 10 years of age? Definitely not me! And the fact that some of the core subjects I've to take is down right pointless okay. Paying RM1400 for that subject is a total waste of money, time and energy. Not forgetting, stress as well! Learning about leadership in uni? o.O Utter nonsense. I wonder if other degrees require their students to take such subjects. Rawwr.
Anyways, moving on from that stressful topic of lecturers and such, I'd like to share some pikchas of my potential-hot-nephew! Haha :D Both him and his sister (previous post) are really potential hotties ;)
Cheeky much. He's all flushed!

Too adorable, hee.

Mommy's boy ;)
Tadaa! Haha, potential, yes? *grin* Hehe.

I decided to skip class today for some reasons and I still feel like I'm on a holiday yo. Haha. I'm trying to switch myself back to class mode but it ain't happening. It's so funny how you only start to enjoy yourself when holidays are over, haha. How sad.

Oh have I mentioned that I've already caught the first ep of Gossip Girl Season 2? :D Haha, it is awesomeeeee! Lalala, Nate is hot. Like seriously. Haha. The dresses at the White Party are just too gorgeous - Mister, I'd like one too? :D

3 words, 8 letters - means alot, big time, to anyone. Period. To verbally utter those three simple words mean alot and definitely involves a whole lotta commitment too. Guess Chuck couldn't handle a relationship that well after all. It's damn easy playing and fooling around but when it is time to settle down with just one person, it never is easy - for Chuck & Blair that is :) Well I really despise people like that. I'll keep the rest to myself, hee. Lalala. Just watch it for yourself la omg! Oh for those who were upset about the break-up between Dan & Serena, fret no more! ;) Okay okay shhh. Anyway ep 2 is coming out tomorrow, babe. Wahahaha. Yay!

It's dinner time noww! Bye everyone! :)

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