Thursday, January 29, 2009

choinese new year.

A friend used to scream his head out saying, "Choineseeeee". Well, that was some 5 years back in highschool? Brrh I feel old, haha.

"Pikchaa, pikchaa!" My aunts are ace at screaming that word out while gambling, hah. As I mentioned in the earlier post about having heaps of pictures taken this new year, I'll be faithful to pick out shot(s) that I think are pretty enough to be posted here and the rest will, as usual, be up in Facebook for my cousins' benefit. This year, family ties seem a little more huddled up together and toight unlike the years before - I'm enjoyin' it, most definitely!

I've been sticking myself to the computer screen watching the new 90210 almost every day now, haha! Hmm, it seems to be trashing Gossip Girl a wee bit in my download sequence. Well maybe because I downloaded the wrong episode 16 this time around which totally dampened my spirit, pfft. Anyhoo, 90210 on the go! 

Itsy bitsy thing about 90210 - the girls seem a little too anorexic for my liking and I sense a bit of The O.C. rip off going on somewhere along the episodes, hmm. But I'm definitely a fan of Silver's, I like the rough touch to her personality and plus, she's really pretty. Ethan's pretty attractive too (think geeky/nerdy Seth Cohen, yes?)! Honestly, come to think about it, I'm starting to not like the whole highschool scene anymore be it in The O.C., GG or even 90210.

Goodnight world, taa!

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