Monday, October 20, 2008


I know I'm supposed to be squeezing all that BioPsych into my head now but it ain't happening. And by the way, I'm on to this new looova -

Cashmere Mafia.

A huge thank you to my lecturer for showing a little teaser in class today. It sparked quite a bit of my interest in some short 15 minutes. Hmm, this might be love. Perhaps another addiction on my list?


estarh said...

cashmere mafia rocks. too bad it stopped at episode 7. :(

hello sarah! ;)

Sarah said...

hehe hello you!
esther phan rights? :)

oh, it did? boo. i haven't finish downloading all yet though, hee. in progress ;) isn't it quite new? unless i'm outdated, hehe.

estarh said...

yes, esther p.

nah it's aired like early of this year. is that considered new? but i think it stopped because the script writers were on a strike.

Sarah said...


oh, but the strike is over now. they should get back on track! early this year? ahaks, then i'm pretty late then. ;) hehe.

it's taking forever to download! sigh.

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