Wednesday, March 12, 2008

back seat.

i sat in the back seat the whole way home, doing nothing but think. thinking kills me at most times but i dont know about this time. maybe it did, a little. but i was reflecting on the now, and how i was- relationships, life, coll, activities. for the now, i just know i need to trust. its hard to deal with when throughout the years, trust came too easy that i fell. now its just different.
you're different too. this year is different as well. i just know it. so far, you've proven me wrong about my silly thoughts, keep proving me wrong and in time to come, that trust will surely be more prominent in us. we're getting much better than before and im really happy, like beyond words. im just praying everyday that it'll last. i thank God for you. and i know you know it :)

going home the old way like i used to go back when i was a kid brought back memories. memories of which i really miss. i dont know whether it'll ever turn back. i miss the car, the home, the nags, the quarrels, surprisingly the hugs which i always ran away from and teases which totally annoyed me, and how i went to and fro from school. not forgetting, how much you pissed me off on random days, rawrr. im so happy i met you on tuesday. so so so happy. though i didnt really express it. i really do miss you.

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