Thursday, November 22, 2007


cute poster, huh? sadly it never got posted up cos hahah, funny reasons. :)
so the cooking competition is tmrw! im nervous, like seriously. what if it doesnt work out the way i imagined or wanted it to be??! ahh! sighh. at least today i know that things are finalized and organized and i just need to wait for tmrw. however, i can sleep peacefully tonight now :) hehe. hopefully all turns out well! *hyperventilates* heh. hence i need your support, ppl! :D *hinthelpstudentshint*

on a lighter note, i was reminded of my 07' resolutions- the ones i made early this year with azy. hrmm, i've not fulfilled mine! hahaha. well, maybe partially but not fully. *thinks hard*
  1. learn to speak in mandarin- i prolly know a few more words. and i know how to count till 100!
  2. do well in college- hrmm, i cant really finalize that yet but so far, its been quite satisfying.
  3. learn the bass/acoustic guitar- the bass? nope. barry's too busy and ken is in ozzie. the acoustic guitar? kinda. i know some chords! :D i would think i can play a song but very slowly. hahha. yea, i know im terrible at it. shrugs.
  4. strengthen friendships- i've rekindled past friendships and im glad i did :) current ones, they're good :)

and i prolly have other resolutions but i'll keep em' to myself :) hehe. yupp yupp. and i do have in mind my 08's resolutions. haha. *laughs to self* hrmm. :p yeap yeap.

> azy's leaving... *counts* in almost a month's time! :( shrugs.

anyhow, im gonna go take a nap! i need sleep *yawns*

byeee! :)

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